I watch a show called Digimon: Digital Monsters on Netflix. The show is translated in English because Digimon Adventure is a Japanese original. I like the show because the digimon are cute.
Digimon are well, digital monsters. On the show eight kids named Sora, Mat, T.K, Tai, Joe, Mimi, Izzy, and Kari (Kari comes in later). Each of them has their own digimon. They fight evil digimon like Myotismon because he tries to take over The Digital World.
Some people say it's like Pokemon. I think Digimon is much better for two reasons. For one, the digimon actually talk instead of saying their own name over and over. I find the Digimon story to be easier to follow. I recommend this show to any one who likes cute monsters.
Digimon are well, digital monsters. On the show eight kids named Sora, Mat, T.K, Tai, Joe, Mimi, Izzy, and Kari (Kari comes in later). Each of them has their own digimon. They fight evil digimon like Myotismon because he tries to take over The Digital World.
Some people say it's like Pokemon. I think Digimon is much better for two reasons. For one, the digimon actually talk instead of saying their own name over and over. I find the Digimon story to be easier to follow. I recommend this show to any one who likes cute monsters.