Thursday, November 21, 2013

Toys of Awesomeness- Soundwave Disks vs. Tapes

In Transformers there is an awesome character named Soundwave who has five tapes that turn into robots.  In the past they were tapes now they are disks.  They are very different but very alike too. Ways that they are alike are they are Transformers and they pop out of Soundwave.  The ways they are different are the disks are futuristic but the tapes are classic. For the disks Soundwave is a car however for the tapes he is a cassette player.  The disks are from the Fall of Cybertron and the tapes are from the Generation One toy line.

Even with all of the visual differences  they are the same guys. My opinion is they are brilliant regardless of style.

Sticks Gone Mad - Baby #2

Monday, November 11, 2013

Kool Komix - Part 1

   Do you want to know the best comic book for kids?  Of course you do!  Kids ages 3 to 12 would love it. The comic is called Tiny Titans and I have laughed so hard milk came out of my ears!  I have been reading it since I was 2.  
   It is made by Art Blatzar and Franco with DC Comics.  It shows kid versions of DC side kicks doing normal stuff like going to school, but it is super funny.  One of the jokes is Speedy carrying an apple and Green Arrow says, "I don't think you need any props for your William Tell report."  Another of my favorite jokes is when Robin's suit turned pink because of Super Girl's cape in the wash.   
   If you are a kid or have a kid who likes DC sidekicks you should buy Tiny Titans.  They don't make them any more but you can get back issues and read Art Blatzar and Franco's other comics: Itty Bitty Hellboy and Superman Family Adventures.
Aww yeah Titans!!