A Series of Unfortunate Events is a book series by Lemony Snicket. The story starts with Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire learning that their home has burned down. Their parents where killed in the fire and now they move from guardian to guardian, home to home with an evil man named Count Olaf following them, trying to steal their fortune.
Many people say that this story is not good for kids. These people are wrong. Even though many bad things happen to the children, the story really follows how clever the children are when trying to escape an evil madman. Reading how all of the children, even baby Sunny, solve the mystery is my favorite part.
Personally I love the series because it is full of imaginative characters and even though the books are kind of depressing the dark humor makes it better. People who love stories with clever children and love a good mystery novel than this is for you. I am currently on the seventh book and I think it is worth it to read them all. The mystery gets better and there are more clues in each book.
Many people say that this story is not good for kids. These people are wrong. Even though many bad things happen to the children, the story really follows how clever the children are when trying to escape an evil madman. Reading how all of the children, even baby Sunny, solve the mystery is my favorite part.
Personally I love the series because it is full of imaginative characters and even though the books are kind of depressing the dark humor makes it better. People who love stories with clever children and love a good mystery novel than this is for you. I am currently on the seventh book and I think it is worth it to read them all. The mystery gets better and there are more clues in each book.
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